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New non-profit center for local charities hopes to help more people in need

Posted 11:37 PM, Jun 19, 2019
and last updated 8:25 AM, Jun 20, 2019

PALM BEACH COUNTY, Fla. — These days Racheal Miralda is thankful.

“You don’t know how much you have until you don’t have anything,” Miralda said.

Right now she’s a happy mom who enjoys playing legos with her son. But weeks ago Miralda, her son and husband were homeless, living on the streets in Palm Beach County.

“When we got here we were living rest stop for a while because there’s no shelters here you have to go through a program I found out,” she said.

Both Miralda and her husband have jobs but she says that wasn’t enough to find a home. What she did have was a phone and a car and that led her to Family Promise.

“They’ve given us a place to sleep, shower and do laundry which is a big deal,” Miralda said.

Family Promise of North Central Palm Beach County joined five other small charities and moved into a collaborative work space on Wednesday. It was purchased by Extraordinary Charities.

“They serve the people that they don’t know how to get services. They don’t know where to go for a meal or filling out paper work,” Beverlee Raymond, Founder of Extraordinary Charities said.

Now the 16,000-square-foot, non-profit center on Old Okeechobee Road has a little bit of everything including a 5,000 square foot kitchen for Meals on Wheels and a living room for families.

“I do see this growing, I hope more organizations come to use this space because it’s incredible space full of opportunity for them,” Taylor Materio of Family Promise of North Central Palm Beach County said.