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Palm Beach County farmers look to mitigate supply-chain problems

Farm-City Week event held at fairgrounds

PALM BEACH COUNTY, Fla. — Farm-City Week is celebrated the week leading up to Thanksgiving.

This week is used to celebrate and recognize the beneficial partnerships between rural and urban communities that make our food supply safe and plentiful.

The Central Palm Beach County Chamber of Commerce hosted a luncheon at the South Florida Fairgrounds in West Palm Beach.

Much of the conversation was centered around the agriculture industry and the ongoing rebound from the pandemic. 

"It is getting back to somewhat normal, but the supply chain has really been hurting farmers due to chemicals and fertilizer and everything that you need to grow a crop," said Keith Wedgworth, vice president of Wedgworth Farms. 

However, some companies have been able to mitigate the challenges presented by the supply-chain squeeze.  

"We were able to see this coming with this supply shortage, so our sales team started to order the machines that they would need for the next season way in advance," said Alleigh Reitz of Everglades Equipment Group. 

There was also a renewed push to encourage consumers to purchase produce that's "Fresh from Florida."

"I take a lot of pride in producing food to feed everybody in this room," said Paul Allen, co-owner of R.C. Hatton Inc. FL.