

Loudspeakers OK'd at Palm Beach march


FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) -- A federal judge says a farmworkers coalition may use loudspeakers and a slow-moving truck during its planned weekend demonstration in the Town of Palm Beach.

District Judge Robin Rosenberg issued her ruling Friday, one day before 500 members and supporters of the Immokalee Coalition of Farmworkers plan to march and rally near the home of billionaire Nelson Peltz, the chairman of the Wendy's fast-food chain. At issue is Wendy's refusal to pay a penny-per-pound fee for its tomatoes to supplement some farmworkers' wages.

Rosenberg ruled that the coalition has a First Amendment right to have its views heard, so it can use loudspeakers carried by the truck.

However, she said Palm Beach has a legitimate right to keep its streets clear and said protesters must stay on the sidewalk.