WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — An investigation involving several law enforcement agencies unfolded Monday in West Palm Beach, stemming from a shooting.
Police said the shooting happened just after 8 a.m. at the Cove at Briar Bay apartments in the 3500 block of Briar Bay Boulevard.
A woman was shot and is now recovering from minor injuries at St. Mary's Medical Center, police said.
"I heard a lot of people screaming, and then I saw a whole bunch of cops," Jonathan Ramirez, who lives nearby, said.
A WPTV news crew saw West Palm Beach police and Palm Beach County deputies setting up command centers at the scene. Many of them were wearing tactical gear. Several law enforcement officers focused on a few of the buildings inside the private apartment complex.

Squad cars lined the parking lot, and mobile command centers for both agencies were set up. A military-style vehicle with a deputy sticking out of the roof patrolled the area.
Looking out his window, Ramirez said his curiosity got the best of him.
"And then I came outside and there was just SWAT everywhere," he said. "People were just scared. It was crazy."
The apartment complex was blocked off for several hours.
A man who didn't want to give us his name said he walked out of his apartment, and it looked like a military exercise.
"Cop cars are coming in and then I don't know what's going on, so I said I'll leave them alone," the man said. "But when I came back about an hour and a half, cops were swarming, and they were bringing [the] bomb squad, a bulldozer. There were tons of them."
Police said the shooter, whose name has not been released, has mental health issues and eventually surrendered to authorities.
There was also a car with a bullet hole in one of the windows very close to the scene. However, it's not confirmed if that car has anything to do with this investigation.