PALM BEACH COUNTY, Fla. — People throughout Palm Beach County got together Thursday through the love for food and the desire to end homelessness during the Lord's Place's 14th annual Ending Homelessness Breakfast.
The event was virtual as over 40 locations throughout the county logged-on to hear client testimonials, and from people who are on the frontlines to provide the resources, they need to get off the streets.
"I encourage people to watch the video broadcast of this homelessness breakfast, watch what is involved in breaking through the barriers to become more productive, breaking the cycle of homelessness, once they understand they're going to be motivated to be part of the solution," said Jack Scarola, one of the founders and board members of the Lord's Place.
The virtual event had viewers watching from 33 states across the US.
"It is about addressing the root causes that have as a consequence of families living in their cars. and getting to the basic needs that will help to restore people who truly want to be members of the society back to a position where they can fulfill that desire on their own," said Scarola.
The goal, to raise awareness and end the stereotype of what homeless people look like.
"I don't think that we're ever going to eliminate the need that exists to address the problem of homelessness entirely, but we can eliminate the problem of homelessness one family at a time and we're doing that very effectively and efficiently right now" said Jack Scarola, one of the founders and board members of the Lord's Place.
The event had a fundraising goal of $250,000.
Right now there is an estimated 3,000 people in Palm Beach County who are considered homeless.