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'Jack the Bike Man' gives thousands of bikes to kids in need

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It started out as one good deed 26 years ago.

"I repaired one bike for a young kid in my neighborhood because he fell off of it and his brakes was broken," Jack Hairston said.
Since then Hairston who is better known as 'Jack the Bike Man' has given away thousands of bikes to kids in need.  

Hundreds of kids lined up to get a free bike from Jack and his helpers on Sunday morning.

"I'm thankful for him because he's nice and he's giving out bikes for the kids that don't have some and this is a grand opportunity to get a bike," one kid told WPTV.

Every year the need grows. Jack says this year they'll give away around 1,500 bikes and helmets.

His neighbors at the Palm Beach Opera made sure to keep the kids busy while they waited. They put on a live performance for families at the event and gave the kids coloring sheets and temporary tattoos. 

Jack says the annual event has turned into a bit of a production.

"Inspiration came from everywhere to keep on doing this ridiculous thing and it's just grown and gotten wonderful," he said.

Proving one good deed can go a long way.