

Tip prompts state to investigate teen 'doctor'

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Malachi Love-Robinson was put on the state's radar in September when a concerned citizen wrote to the Department of Health and the letter writer didn't hold back.

That letter prompted the Florida Department of Health to start investigating the 18-year-old who is now accused of playing doctor in real life.

The letter, dated Sept. 16, 2015, "requires the highest priority" it states and describes how Love-Robinson claims to have "3 degrees...all acquired by the age of 18!"

"Please intervene!" the letter states.

The writer says, "He's a very skilled con man.” The letter was signed a concerned citizen.

About a month later state investigators met Love-Robinson at New Directions, a behavioral health care center in Boynton Beach, where he reportedly told them he was a program director and counselor who would pray and offer spiritual advice to clients struggling with addiction.

According to state investigation records, Love-Robinson admitted he never attended medical school and was not a licensed medical doctor but considered himself one.

His PhD, he told investigators, came from ULife Church, an online Christian school. But records indicate that he also admitted the diploma and transcript that got him the job at New Directions were fraudulent.

That same day state investigators issued Love-Robinson his first order to cease and desist. It would be the first of two the 18-year-old would receive for what the state described as "playing doctor.”

Love-Robinson has done numerous interview since his arrest, even planning a press conference on Wednesday night.

But he isn't answering specific questions about his credentials, and he walked off of ABC's Good Morning America on Thursday morning.

Delray Beach Psychologist Mark Ellinger doesn't know Love-Robinson, but has been following the story and the growing interest from the public.

"It is fascinating that humans are able to trick other humans. We love to hear about that. We also love to either hate them or love and cure them," Dr. Ellinger said.