

Bush makes stop in West Palm Beach


Making his rounds through South Florida, Jeb Bush stopped for a quick Q & A session in Palm Beach County.

The former Florida Governor and Republican Presidential hopeful addressed a crowd of about 900 at the Palm Beach County Convention Center.

He started off his speech addressing the forum club by talking about the war on terror.

Bush says this is at the top of mind for many Americans and it's a priority in his campaign.

He criticized President Barack Obama, calling out what he calls the President's lack of action against terrorism.

"We need serious leadership to be able to destroy Isis and if we do we'll create a more peaceful world. And it starts by arming the Kurds directly which this president refuses to do. It requires embedding our troops that are already in Iraq," said Bush.

After Bush's brief speech he took questions from the crowd. Students from a few local schools asked questions.

One asked whether Bush still supports the Stand Your Ground law. He answered yes, saying there are already tough sentences for crimes of gun violence in Florida. Bush was also asked about how he would improve veterans’ healthcare. He says he supports reforms and thinks veterans should also have the option of choosing private providers. The questions covered Cuba too. Bush criticized the Obama administration for establishing diplomatic relations without anything in return.

"I think what we ought to say is, we want a free Cuba, we want to have diplomatic relations, we want to lift the sanctions, but in order to do so there are things that we should expect. You should release political prisoners and allow for dissent on the island. You should allow for free elections ultimately," added Bush.

Trump's name did come up a few times during the forum. The last question was what would Bush say to Trump if he walked in right now, Bush said he would take him on at any debate, any time. Bush is trailing behind Trump in the latest polls.