

Christmas Day travelers head out Friday


WEST PALM BEACH, Fla-- The Christmas day was still young for Malika Walton and her family.

“We’re here in West Palm Beach, Florida to visit grandparents, aunties and cousins,” said Walton.

They had just landed at PBIA traveling all the way from Decatur, Illinois to spend the holiday with family.

“We actually thought it would be overwhelming and a lot of ups and downs, but it’s been perfect. Smooth,” said Walton.

For these last minute travelers, waiting an extra day meant saving extra spending money.

“A whole thousand dollars cheaper,” said Walton.

For other families, choosing to travel on Christmas Day is more about spending Christmas in more than one place.

“We wanted to open the presents first at the house and then we did the traveling to Miami,” said Hilda Marrero.

Marrero and her family decided to spend Christmas Eve in Orlando, and then drive to South Beach Friday morning to spend Christmas Day with the rest of the family.

“We’re excited because they’re waiting for us because we actually brought some food. Spanish food.”

For the Christmas Day travelers, it’s not how or when you get there, it’s what’s waiting on the other side.