WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — A celebration of Corey Jones' life and memory, Friday his family opened a new restaurant in Northwood Village.
It's the definition of a family affair.
"Take success as a relationship you got your ups and your downs," Patricia Jones said.
Patricia and her husband Rahein Jones would consider, Friday an 'up' it's the grand opening of their third restaurant "The New Vegan."
"We like to cook and have fun with food," Jones said.
But it's also about acknowledging how far their family has come.
"He just was in the wrong place at the wrong time," Jones recalled.
In 2015 Rahein's cousins Corey Jones was shot and killed by former Palm Beach Gardens police officer Nouman Raja. A jury found Raja guilty of manslaughter and attempted murder, Thursday.
"We were supposed to do this birthday on the 18th but the court case just messed all of that up so right now we're planning on just a big ole party," Jones said.
From his picture to his drums there are pieces of Cory sprinkled throughout the restaurant, Rahein says it's his recipe that leaves a lasting impression.
"Everyday there's people asking for Cory's rice," he said.