

Radio DJ, rabbi honored at MLK Day ceremony

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Jewish and black communities teamed up today to carry out Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s dream.

Their goal is to prove the values King preached 50 years ago cross religious, racial and class boundaries.

Under the watchful eye of King's sculpture at Currie Park in West Palm Beach, hundreds of people came together to follow his example.

"You do it step by step, person by person, but every single person here wants to make a difference in someone's life," explains Michael Hoffman, the president and CEO of the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County.

The organization sponsored its first ever service day Monday to honor King. Members of the Federation spent the morning volunteering by preparing food for the homeless, delivering food to the homebound, and painting a room at an oncology clinic.

This afternoon, the group held a cookout at Currie Park, bringing black and Jewish communities together in the name of service.

The Federation honored two members of the community for working toward reaching King's Dream.

Radio DJ Reggie Dee walked 1,300 miles from Dallas to West Palm Beach last year to end racism.

"Instead of just talking about it, I feel like we should do what we're supposed to do to bring people together and our community together," he explains.

He says he won't stop now that the walk is over. Now, he's brainstorming ways to help end the violence plaguing West Palm Beach communities.

"You represent your culture by the content of your character, whether you're a police officer, a public figure in the community, or even a thug. And right now, we need people to represent and do more positive things in the community," he says.

Rabbi Cookie Lee Olshein, of Temple Israel in West Palm Beach, also received an award. She coordinates outreach programs and raises awareness about social injustices through the synagogue.

"I am grateful to have such a supportive congregation which allows me to do the work I'm so passionate about," Rabbi Olshein says.

Organizers imagine today's cross-cultural event could be the spark for people to make more positive strides in the city.

"It's about shared values, it's about making our world and community a better place," Hoffman explains.