

Neighbors hope strong community cuts crime


Gregg Weiss is retired and believes in a close-knit and safe community.  That's why he's part of the citizens patrol volunteer group with his local police department.

He drives through the neighborhood to see if there's anyone or anything suspicious. On his travels, he met Jamie Walker who is new in the community.

"It's very important that you know your neighbors and your neighbors know you," said Weiss.

According to a criminal justice expert, knowing your neighbors could help reduce burglaries. You're more likely to notice a stranger in the area.

A survey by Nextdoor Neighborhood reveals more than 70 percent of people surveyed agreed time should be taken to get to know your neighbor.

Weiss said, "You (should) understand their schedules and communicate (if you are) going out of town. My neighbors they let me know, and I keep an eye on their house."

FBI statistics show most residential crime happens during the daytime hours. It pays to be proactive to what is happening inside your home and outside in your neighborhood.

"When somebody moves in, we come over and say, 'Hello,' and we let them know about our neighborhood, let them know where things are, and if they have any questions, let them know that we are there," said Weiss.

The citizens patrol has even more advice for residents living in the community.

"Once a month, we have neighborhood socials.  It brings everyone in the neighborhood who is interested and come together," said Weiss. 

Advice, socials and security are some of the reasons that people such as Jamie Walker moved in. 

"I believe in what they are doing, and I support it 100 percent. We are lucky to have a community that cares," said Walker.