

North end of WPB to see increased patrols

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The West Palm Beach Police Department is responding to calls from the residents and the mayor when it comes to people feeling safer and cleaning up the streets.

Neighbor say drugs and prostitution are just some of the issues along the Broadway corridor. Both Carl Flick and Kathleen Ward live in the area and say crime is common.

"They're all a number of categories and they're all under the hard crime categories," says Flick.

Ward has lived here for about two years and ever since she moved in, it's been an issue.

"I've seen people shooting up drugs and I've seen prostitutes, so I couldn't tell you one or the other," says Ward.

Mayor Jeri Muoio asked officers what they were doing about the crime, so West Palm Beach Police has responded.

This Summer there will be increased patrols during the twilight hours from 30th street to the northern city limits.

Ward has already seen a difference.

"I have noticed it the past couple of days. I live here and I've noticed them sitting there and it's a deterrent like no one can say otherwise," says Ward.

Officers will talk with business owners more and keep an eye on the public parks.