

Recent shootings leaving residents to wonder when WPB security cameras will be fixed

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It's been a deadly stretch on the north end of West Palm Beach, with three shootings claiming three lives over the last two weeks.

Reverend Doctor Ronald Jones said while they were celebrating life inside Payne AME two Sundays ago, just a few blocks away, someone's life ended.

"Very disconcerting to know we were that close to a perpetrated killing," he says.

The shootings have everyone concerned - and searching for solutions

"We need to do a better job of getting those guns off the street," Rev. Jones says.

For many, it's not the only potential solution on the table.

The recent violence has a growing number of people wondering when West Palm Beach's much maligned camera system will be fully functional again.

"I think it's a good idea, if they're working," Rev. Jones says. 

NewsChannel 5 discovered the failing camera equipment on the north side of the city last year.

Our report upset neighbors who worried the non-working cameras missed potential shootings.

NewsChannel 5 learned that the city has just put out bids for a new, HD camera system, valued at $360,000.

The plan is to mount several cameras in neighborhoods that are not covered currently, like the corner of 13th and Tamarind.

They city says that the cameras won't stop crime in it's tracks, but the reverend is hoping better cameras will help solve crimes - and force criminals to think twice.

"I think that may deter -- if someone knows 'alright, you're on camera, we know who you are.'