

Cool down boosts area business

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It's a taste of winter - South Florida style.

"I think the weather is great," says resident Tony Neely. "I think it's way past time for it to cool down."

On Saturday night, people took full advantage of the weather and hit the streets around town.

Folks even broke out the boots and scarves along Clematis street. 

The combination of sweaters and shorts was also popular.

Others found unique ways to keep away the chill - from Christmas costumes to Cuban coffee. 

"I'm not really cold, I'm just old," Neely says, holding a small cup of expresso. "I need the caffeine, that's pretty much what it is." 

In fact, C Street Cafe was a popular spot Saturday.

Russ Duffy says nights like this bring in a lot of out of towners. 

"When it gets a little bit cooler like this, for a lot of the people up from up in the's really not bad for them," Duffy says "They love hanging out outside." 

It wasn't just limited to downtown West Palm Beach. 

At the Grilled Cheese Gallery in Northwood, sandwiches have been flying off the skillet. 

"We've been consistently busy," says Robin Gross, co-owner of the GCG.

Gross says everyone in the Northwood business community is benefiting this weekend.

"Everybody is excited to get out...we've had a lot of traffic up and down the street, people looking at all of the stores and the buildings here in Northwood."