

We're In! Local Miami Dolphins fans celebrate first playoff berth in almost a decade

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A new hope, a new coach, a playoff berth, and a whole new swagger for Miami Dolphins fans.

“Dallas and Miami in the Super Bowl baby!” says Dolfan Gregory Jackson. “Count on it, it's going to happen.”

Jackson says he's suffered long enough.

He's been a fan since the Glory Days of the 1970s, seen coaches and quarterbacks come and go, as mediocrity stuck around.

Not this year, as the Dolphins are 10-5, and guaranteed a spot in the playoffs.

“It's a whole different feeling man. It's beautiful. It’s beautiful thing.”

He's not the only one excited.

The folks here Globall Sports are reaping the benefits of that optimism.

“Sales have definitely been up for the Dolphins this year,” says Jonathan Smith, a sales associate with Globall Sports.

Smith says he’s hearing a common theme from fans.

“Optimism, excitement…we haven't been able to have that in a while.”

Will optimism and excitement translate to wins, however?

Fans know the challenge that lies ahead

“They're probably going to play in Pittsburgh, and that's a really hard game to win,” says Dolfan Gary Stumpf.

“I'm excited for our chances still,” says Dolfan Rodger Wise. “I think that we'll be competitive no matter what. We did beat the Steelers earlier pretty good.”

No matter what happens this year, there's a feeling that these new Dolphins are here to stay.

“I guarantee next year they go even further than this year,” Stumpf says.

Just how far, you might ask? Let Gregory answer that for you.

“We're gonna win the Super Bowl baby. Period.”