

West Palm Sgt. to attend State of the Union


It is one of the biggest events in Washington DC and a West Palm Beach homicide sergeant will be inside the President's State of the Union address on Tuesday night.

Congresswoman Lois Frankel invited Sergeant Gregory Key to be her guest to the event because of his personal connection to gun violence.

"My least favorite thing to do was death notifications because you are going to tell people the worst news you are ever going to hear...and it was no different for me when I received the news," Sgt. Key said.

Sergeant Key got the worst call of his life in 2006 when his daughter, Lindsay Key, was murdered in Phoenix.

Detectives say a drive-by shooter shot and killed the young mother.

"I have renewed passion and a renewed sense for what victims are going through," Sgt. Key said.

Because of what Sgt. Key went through, Frankel says she knew she wanted him to be her guest.

"The detective brings a face to the countless Americans who are suffering and have grief from loss of loved ones and gun violence," Congresswoman Frankel said.

Key says he supports Obama's plan to crack down on unregulated gun sales.

"The violence has gotten worse because you have more access. More access to guns. And the guns are not necessarily in the good guys hands, they are in the bad people’s hands," Sgt. Key said.

Key says he will be thinking of his daughter while he sits in the same room as the President Tuesday night.