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Indian River County schools relax dress code during cold spell

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This unusual cold spell is hitting on the first day back from winter break for many students on the Treasure Coast.  

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Both Martin and Indian River County Schools pick back up Thursday.

So what are the districts doing to make sure your kids stay safe and warm in these freezing temperatures?

In Indian River County, there are no schedule changes.

However, the district says parents don’t need to worry. The buses will be warm and heated in the morning.

Also, to make sure students dress warm, the district says it will be loosening the dress code during this cold spell.

“It’s more important that all of our students are warm and we know that a lot of Florida children
don’t have the proper jackets and sweaters to stay warm especially in this extreme weather,” said Cristen McMillan, the spokesperson for the Indian River County School District.

As for recess and outdoor activities. It will be up to the teacher’s discretion.