

Treasure Coast museum's lease causes uncertainty


The future is uncertain for a staple of Martin County that’s a place for kids to play and learn.

The Children’s Museum of the Treasure Coast has 15 years left on its lease and the county recently approved a 30-year extension.  However, the museum’s director says commissioners could reconsider their decision to extend the lease.

If their lease isn't extended, representatives with the museum say it will be more difficult to lock-in investors for the non-profit to build new educational exhibits.

They are also worried they will they need to start looking for a new location.

“We have a worst case scenario and a best case scenario.  The best case is that it doesn’t get reconsidered. The worst case is that it gets reconsidered, and it could also go before a vote to say no (to an extension,” said Tammy Calabria, the museum’s executive director.

The county says this item is not on the agenda for their Tuesday morning regular meeting. However, the museum’s director says it could be brought up as a non-agenda item.