A diver who lost his arm after he was struck by a boat back in 2019 is now using his accident to prevent the same thing from happening to someone else.
It was a terrifying scene on that Thanksgiving Day in 2019. Carter Viss, a marine biologist, was snorkeling when a 36-foot speed boat hit him just 100 yards off Palm Beach.
Carter Viss is taking his survival story one step further
“It hit me directly,” said Viss. “I lost my right arm on impact. Both my legs were hit as well, and I was pretty much done for. I mean, it's a miracle I survived.”
But he’s done more than just survive. He’s made a full recovery after a long and painful process of relearning to walk, and he started to speak out.
He says he attributes his support system with getting him through such a difficult time. Viss took his survival story one step further. He helped develop new technology for dive flags that snorkelers use.

“I really want to be there to help other people out,” said Viss. “I can make more of a difference now than I ever could before the accident happened. It's not quite for sale yet. We're still testing out some models, and should be in production soon and then out for sale, probably early summer.
"And it's basically like your your normal dive flag, but instead of a flag, it's kind of a 3D structure that can collapse in on itself and is just much more visible and much more easy to see than your regular dive flag."

Juno Beach
Man loses his arm, gains a renewed passion for marine biology and safety
Loggerhead Marinelife Center is holding a gala on Friday. Some of the money raised will go to the Carter Viss Foundation, and the other half will go towards developing the 3D flag and to help boating accident victims.
“We have a big silent auction as well,” said Viss. “So even if you're not going to the gala, you can bid on items in the silent auction just off the website.”
Viss says if you want to help or even attend the gala, check out www.cartervissfoundation.org.