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Samsung customers say recalled washing machine fix isn't a complete fix

Posted 12:42 AM, Feb 18, 2017
and last updated 2:45 PM, Mar 26, 2019

Samsung recalled 2.8 million of its washing machines in November because they're at risk of exploding. The company offered either a rebate or a fix.

"We decided on the fix," said Samsung customer Kim Amberg, "Because the money they offered, we couldn't replace the machine with that."

Amberg thought she'd be fine once the repairman came and reinforced her lid, to prevent it from popping off during heavy cycles. Then a couple of days later, she got more information from Samsung in the mail.

"We got the packet saying we still couldn't use the machine the way it was intended," Amberg said. "They gave us the decal to change the way we were supposed to use it, all kinds of little warning decals."

Customers were told to put the sticker with new settings over the old settings on the machine.

"They've moved the bedding down to the waterproof cycle," Amberg explained.

She says the problem with that is that she can't use the washing machine she paid good money for the way she wants and needs to use her washing machine. Amberg says she can't do a heavy load of bedding or towels on the waterproof cycle and expect it to get clean.

"It would take a lot of cycles and a lot of re-dos," she said, "And then to dry, it takes even longer."

The warning decals sent out by Samsung say that using cycles other than Waterproof could cause the lid to pop off, resulting in injury.

"I just feel like they're being very irresponsible," Amberg said.

In response, Samsung sent a statement to WPTV saying:

"We have completed hundreds of thousands of in-home repairs to date and have seen high rates of customer satisfaction. The repair includes adding structual reinforcements to the washer's top as well as applying the Home Label Kit which reduces the spin cycle for washing bedding, bulky or waster resistant items. To minimize any confusion about the Home Label Kits, we have posted multiple videos about how to use them on our website at Consumers who choose the free in-home repair are given an additional one year warranty. If anyone has questions about their machine we encourage them to contact us directly at 1-866-264-5636 so we can help them."