PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. — The COVID-19 pandemic caused many businesses to come to a halt. A local Palm Beach Gardens couple decided to pivot and now their business is buzzing.
You can call Sierra Malnove a bee lover and a believer.
“When I get outside and I open the beehive there is something that comes over me,” she said.
Bees are her business.
“I offer private beekeeping services for country clubs in Palm Beach County,” Malnove said.
She said the COVID-19 pandemic stung.
“We had to kind of switch things up a little bit,” she said.
Making room for a new queen bee.
“We decided to keep working on our bees' number one,” Malnove said. “But also, to find a way to get our honey out into the world where everybody could taste and enjoy it.”
It’s called Palm Beach Creamed Honey.
“So, we are creating a honey that is super silky smooth in texture, but it’s already crystalized,” Malnove said.
With help from a small business loan, she and her partner Al launched in October of 2020, for now, they are selling on Amazon and at local farmers' markets, calling it a sweet success.
“Take a risk you know, lean on the people around you and see if they can help push you a little bit,” she said.