

Burundi consulate coming to Boca Raton


Many Americans probably couldn’t even find it on a map, but the African country Burundi will soon have a consulate in Boca Raton.

Businessman Charles Brady was recently named an honorary consul general to Burundi. He will open a consulate at his offices located at the Boca Raton Airport. He said this will be the only Burundi consulate in the United States.

Brady just returned from a trip to Burundi. He explained the country is in better shape than most media reports indicate. He said despite being the world’s second poorest country, Burundi has a lot of the creature comforts you’d expect in any developing country.

In his role as a diplomat, Brady will serve as an advocate for Burundi. 

First on his list is finding a way to get about 40,000 donated books delivered to children in Burundi.

“Education will help them to move up from the world perception of a poor, relegated country to somewhere that will be an international player,” he said.

Brady said Burundi is a key ally in stopping the spread of radical Islamic terrorism in Africa. He said terrorist groups are growing in neighboring Kenya.

Brady will lead a trade mission to the country this August. He also plans on setting up some cultural exchanges and perhaps a sister city partnership with a South Florida city.