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Ramp signaling: High-tech improvements coming to I-95

Posted 3:42 AM, Feb 20, 2020
and last updated 12:16 PM, Feb 20, 2020

BOCA RATON, Fla. — There are construction zones up and down Interstate 95. Just pick a spot, and you'll see cones and flashing lights.

FDOT says merging traffic onto I-95 has always been an issue and one place, in particular, is I-95 and Palmetto Park Boulevard in Boca Raton.

To try and help the situation, FDOT is in the process of installing on-ramp signal lights heading north and south.

"It's a mess, every day it's horrible," driver Cooper Schneider said.


The signals are traffic lights that work to reduce congestion. Ramps signals will be activated during heavy traffic times such as weekday rush-hour periods.

The signals work based on real-time traffic conditions and alternate between red and green lights to control the number of vehicles entering I-95.

FDOT says ramps signals have improved mobility and travel speeds during the evening and morning rush hour periods by 16 and 11 percent.

"People need to drive better. You know the lights are good and everybody knows how South Florida drivers drive so you know every bit helps," driver Brian Murphy said.

According to FDOT, just over 57,000 vehicles use Palmetto Park Boulevard heading east and over 58,000 vehicles heading west.

Miami-Dade County has had the ramp signals for a while.

This is the first time Palm Beach County will get the lights.

FDOT says it is unclear when the signal lights will be turned on.