

Free boating safety classes offered in Boynton

Posted 11:10 PM, Apr 23, 2016
and last updated 11:12 PM, Apr 23, 2016

BOYNTON BEACH, Fla. - The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 54 of Delray and Boynton Beach is educating new and frequent boaters with a mission to save lives.

“About Boating Safely” classes were held today at Harvey E. Oyer Jr. Park in Boynton Beach.

The seminar gave boaters training and safe-traveling practices when navigating the water. Aspiring boaters were also given a review and test that is required to obtain a Florida issued Safe Boating Card.

“The more we can educated the public, weather they are young children or adults, you will be ready to act on situations that can occur,” said Chris Haarer of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxilary.

The monthly classes are sponsored by the Perry. J. Cohen Foundation.