

Parrot alerts woman of fire in neighbor's home


A fire forced a family of six out of its Boynton Beach home. Now, the State Fire Marshal's Office says the cause of the fire appears to be suspicious. 

"It was so high, black, and billowing up," Belsheba Edden describes the smoke.

The house two doors down from her, at 312 NE 12th Avenue, caught fire at about 10:30 this morning.

Maybe more unbelievable was how she first noticed the fire. Edden says she was reading inside when her pet parrot, Hollie, started chirping non-stop.

"He keeps screaming and looking to the east. And then I see the smoke and I say, 'Oh my God, somebody's house is on fire!'"

Edden called 911 right away.

Another neighbor says someone knocked on her door. When she came outside, the smoke was everywhere.

"The smoke and the black and the smell. It's crazy how fast the fire spreads," explains Monserrat Guiterriez.

The fire department showed up almost immediately and contained the flames to the one house.

A small boy and his grandmother were inside at the time, but neither were hurt.

The fire department says the fire started in the backyard and moved to the attic. The damage is so bad the family can no longer stay there.

The State Fire Marshal's Office hasn't determined exactly what caused the fire, but says it looks suspicious.

Edden says it was divine intervention for her pet, Hollie, to alert her to the fire. She's grateful everyone involved is ok.

"All of us have to be caregivers for one another," she points out.

Three adults and three children live at the home. They were too overwhelmed to comment on the situation today, but say they're thankful to have one another.

The American Red Cross is providing the family with hygiene necessities, cleanup kits, and financial help.

If you have information about the fire, call the Arson Tip Hotline at 1-877-622-7766. You can remain anonymous.