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School continues without A/C at Boynton Beach High

Weather caused problem with transformer
Posted 5:45 PM, May 03, 2019
and last updated 5:45 PM, May 03, 2019

Some Palm Beach County students learned a lesson in perseverance Friday.

The air conditioning wasn't working this morning at Boynton Beach High School, but a big test went on as scheduled.

A telephone call from the principal to parents explained the situation.

According to the robocall, weather overnight caused a problem with a transformer and that meant no A/C.

AICEtesting planned for today could not be rescheduled so the school said the district brought in portable cooling units to the media center so students taking the test could be comfortable.

Students who were not part of the testing were allowed to receive an excused absence if their parents picked them up earlier than scheduled, the school said.

The school said it hoped the power would be back on by 3 p.m.