DELRAY BEACH, Fla. — A Delray Beach firefighter is running in the New York City Marathon on Nov. 7.
He's hoping his run will help bring to light an important issue.
Tyler Adams has been with Delray Beach Fire Rescue for 12 years.
He's been preparing for a big race that is scheduled to occur in less than two weeks.
"I was fortunate enough to be chosen by the "Movember" charity to run the New York Marathon in the 50th anniversary of the marathon," Adams said.
November is a month where men will grow out their facial hair to help promote awareness for prostate cancer.

"I don't grow a mustache that well," Adams joked.
With his mustache and all, Adams said he has been a big advocate for awareness after seeing men in the department get diagnosed -- even losing a fellow firefighter several years ago.
"My father had prostate cancer, and then my grandfather on my maternal side had prostate cancer," Adams said.
He said he has run marathons before, but he has an additional struggle after contracting COVID-19 last November.
Nearly a year later, the disease has left him still not feeling 100 percent.

"This will be my 11th marathon and probably the most meaningful for me," Adams said.
He said having the "Movember" foundation support his mission to help other men is incredible.
"Hopefully making it for other men to feel comfortable coming out and talking about the health issues that are affecting them," Adams said.
Firefighters are at an increased risk of contracting cancer, and research shows cancer causes about 70 percent of firefighter deaths.
"We do everything we can to minimize that," Adams said.
He said getting check-ups and being open about men's health is a good start.
Click here to follow along with his journey at the New York City Marathon or donate to his "Movember" foundation.