

Florida AG: Heroin now being made into pills

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From a syringe to the palm of your hand.

Florida's attorney general putting out a warning to law enforcement and parents here and across the state - heroin is now being found in pill form.

"It doesn't surprise me that these things have been created," says Jeff Kadel with the PBC substance awareness coalition.

Kadel says it could be the next big challenge in the fight against heroin.

"If it comes out in that form, you could see use start to increase at the younger ages," he says.

The Attorney General's office tells us agents have confiscated these called heroin pills making their way through the state.

The pills a result of drug traffickers using old pill presses to disguise the heroin from law enforcement.

So far, no indication from local law enforcement that these heroin pills have made into our area- but it is on their radar.

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi saying parents could easily take these pills for something else.

"Some of them are even marked to look like a prescription drug pill," Bondi told Fox News channel last month. "It's so frightening, parents have to know that."

The problem, experts say, could encourage more to experiment with heroin.

"You're reducing the barriers to access by, in this case, changing the application by going from the needle to pill form," Kadel says. "More people will be inclined to use."

Delray Beach fire rescue workers - who’ve been called to dozens of heroin overdose calls in the past year - are keeping a close eye on the developments.

"It's a cause for concern, similar with flakka," says Captain Ed Beardsley with Delray Beach Fire Rescue. "We're concerned with any new drug that's out there."