DELRAY BEACH, Fla. — The George Bush Boulevard Bridge in Delray Beach won't be open for another six weeks at least.
Palm Beach County spokesman John Jamason said Friday that the drawbridge, which was built in 1949, remains inoperable since incurring "a significant malfunction" during a recent opening.
Jamason said the shaft that raises the drawbridge spans was "sheared in two pieces." Although a replacement shaft was made March 11 and tested with existing gear, an inspection by a structural engineering consulting firm revealed the need to replace other drive shaft machinery parts, including a damaged bearing, and for further testing.
The replacement bearing will take an estimated six weeks to be built, "but may take longer depending on the availability of material," Jamason said.
"The testing of the remaining machinery is ongoing and may require additional replacements and time," he added.
Until then, Delray Beach drivers will be unable to cross between the barrier island and mainland via George Bush Boulevard.