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St. Lucie County decriminalizes mask mandate

1st-time violators can still be fined $25
and last updated

FORT PIERCE, Fla. — St. Lucie County commissioners agreed Tuesday morning to make changes to its mask mandate.

The board decided to remove criminal penalties for those caught violating the ordinance.

Commissioners spent about 45 minutes discussing the changes.


Initially, the emergency order said if you violated the mask mandate, you could have faced fines along with a second-degree misdemeanor charge.

County leaders voted Tuesday morning to remove the misdemeanor charge and keeping the fines in place.

Residents can still be fined $25 for the first offense, $62.50 for the second offense and $125 for the third offense.

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The other change occurred pertained to gyms. Residents no longer have to wear a mask inside a public gym when exercising as long as you social distance from others.

The revised ordinance goes in effect July 30.