

Scripps and Kindle sponsor student video contest

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What creative way can students discover to encourage the love of reading?

As part of National Reading Month, the Scripps National Spelling Bee, sponsored by Kindle, invites students to participate in the Spellebrity Video Contest. To enter the contest, students should produce a video that spells out how to kindle the love of reading.

The five finalist teams win an expenses-paid trip to the 2016 National Scripps Spelling Bee this May 22-27, near Washington, D.C. Each member of the team selected as the champion earns a $1,000 award along with a trophy.

The Scripps National Spelling Bee and its new presenting sponsor Kindle want to shine a spotlight on the importance of reading, spelling and vocabulary as part of a child’s lifelong success.

Eligibility rules for the Spellebrity Video Contest include:

  • Eligibility: Students who have not passed beyond eighth grade and who are legal residents of the United States and its territories

  • Team: 1-4 members on a team

  • Team member requirements: Script, record and edit the video

  • Video length: No longer than five minutes

  • Video theme: Spell out how to kindle the love of reading and feature three words that would be useful in a spelling bee. The video narrative should inspire viewers to read more.

  • Adult involvement: Students must have the support of a parent or teacher who will be responsible for submitting the video and uploading a completed parental consent form (for each student) on

  • Deadline to submit: April 4

  • Videos should be free of any copyrighted material, text, images and music

  • See Official Rules and Terms of Participation

A judging panel will review all of the submissions and select 10 Semifinalist videos. The Semifinalist videos will be posted to, where the public will vote for the best videos. The five videos that receive the most votes will advance to the National Finals where participants in the Scripps National Spelling Bee will vote for the best video.

The champion video will be announced during the 2016 Scripps National Spelling Bee Awards Banquet.


  • Each member of the Semifinalist teams (10) will receive a Kindle Paperwhite.

  • Each member of the Finalist teams (5) will receive an expenses-paid trip to the 2016 Scripps National Spelling Bee:

  • Economy airfare or train fare for each team member and a parent/guardian

  • One standard hotel room at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center

  • $400 gift card for travel and meal expenses

  • Complimentary tickets for each team member and parent/guardian for the National Zoo experience, a Bee-organized tour of Washington, D.C., and the Awards Banquet

  • Each member of the Champion team (1) will receive:

    • $1,000 cash award

    • Trophy

Both the Scripps National Spelling Bee and Kindle present the contest as a way for students to use their imagination to bring together reading and spelling in a creative way, while using fun technology to spread this the important message of life time literacy.

“The Scripps National Spelling Bee captures the competitive spirit of more than 11 million students,” said Paige Kimble, executive director of the Scripps National Spelling Bee. “Only about 280 of them advance to the National Finals. The Spellebrity Video Contest delivers another chance for many to showcase their mastery of the English language through video storytelling. With Kindle as our presenting sponsor, we look forward to seeing the approaches these creative young minds take.”