

Debate over gun control in full swing

Florida lawmakers and contributions

The debate over gun control and cries for swift action is now in full force with some members of the public questioning politicians and whose in their back pockets.  

Gun-rights groups overwhelmingly favor Republicans, whereas gun-control groups overwhelmingly favor Democrats.

In the 2016 election cycle, gun control groups accounted for $3 million in outside spending versus nearly $55 million from gun rights organizations. So in other words, guns rights groups outspent gun control groups by 18 to 1. 

Senator Marco Rubio is among the top recipients of NRA money, helping to fuel his political career. He's received more than $3 million alone while in office. Senator Rubio has not received any money from gun control groups. 

Senator Bill Nelson received more than $620,000 from gun control groups, but also more than $11,000 from pro-gun rights groups. 

In the 2016 election cycle, Representatives Lois Frankel and Ted Deutch got no money from gun rights or gun control groups. Representatives Brian Mast, Bill Posey and Tom Rooney got no money from gun control groups. Congressman Mast received $1,000, Congressman Posed received $2,000 and Congressman Rooney received $6,000.