

Florida parking lot shooter Michael Drejka will not testify at his trial

Posted 4:02 PM, Aug 23, 2019
and last updated 4:03 PM, Aug 23, 2019

CLEARWATER, Fla. (AP) — The white man on trial in Florida for fatally shooting an unarmed black man after being shoved to the ground during a parking lot altercation will not testify on his own behalf.

Michael Drejka told the court Friday in Clearwater, Florida, that he won't testify at his manslaughter trial, which is rapidly moving to its conclusion.

Drejka fatally shot 28-year-old Markeis McGlockton in July 2018. In video shown to the jury, Drejka told detectives that after McGlockton pushed him, he feared he was about to be further attacked and severely injured.

Prosecutors argue that Drejka started the altercation by confronting McGlockton's girlfriend because she was parked in the handicapped space. They also say he had no reason to fire as McGlockton was retreating.

Closing arguments are expected later Friday.