

Florida Senate President Joe Negron sets retirement date

Posted 3:29 PM, May 02, 2018
and last updated 3:35 PM, May 02, 2018

As expected, Florida Senate President Joe Negron is retiring.

The Republican, who represents Martin, St. Lucie and part of Palm Beach County, said his last day will be Nov. 6, 2018.

In March, Negron told WPTV he wouldn't run for higher office in 2018.

“I have always been a big believer in term limits," Negron said in a statement. “I have had the privilege of representing the Treasure Coast and parts of Palm Beach County in the Florida Senate for nine years. The way I see it, I actually received an extra year because I came to the Senate in a Special Election in 2009. The additional two years of my final term were added only through the vagaries of reapportionment litigation.”

He released the following resignation letter to Gov. Rick Scott:

Dear Governor Scott:

I have decided to conclude my service in the Florida Senate on November 6, 2018, the same day that my term as Senate President ends.

Like you, I have always been a strong supporter of term limits. The additional two years of my final term were added only through the vagaries of reapportionment litigation.

My goal is to afford as much notice as possible to allow the next State Senator from District 25 to be elected in the regular 2018 primary and general election cycle without the necessity of a special election. I would respectfully request that you consider scheduling the dates of the special primary election and special general election to coincide with the dates of the primary election and general election, pursuant to section 100.111(2), Florida Statutes. With key election-related deadlines and activities scheduled in the ensuing weeks and months, I believe this proposed course of action would be in the best interests of the constituents of Senate District 25.

Therefore, I am tendering my resignation from the Florida Senate, effective November 6, 2018, the same day my term as Senate President ends. Thank you for your partnership in advancing our many shared priorities and for your service to the people of Florida. It has been an honor to represent the citizens of the Treasure Coast and parts of Palm Beach County in the Florida Senate.