

Fla. woman fights back against armed carjacker


(WBBH) If a robber pointed a gun at your chest, would you fight back? One woman in Fort Myers did after she and her husband were carjacked.

Carol Nicol and her husband, George, have spent 36 years in the area and have felt safe until Thursday. They had just arrived from grocery shopping when suddenly they noticed two men in a car had followed them.

"A young man jumped out of the back seat, pointed a gun at me and asked for my keys," Carol said.

But Carol didn't give them up so easily as she pushed the robber.

"Some people would call it foolish," laughed Carol. "I thought maybe I could bluff him."

The man knocked her down and drove off with her handbag and car full of groceries.

Carol said she suffered a bruise, but her spirit was left untouched.

"Sometimes these people think that they can do anything they want, and once you stand up to them, maybe they'll go away," Carol said.

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