

FPL customers: Your power bill is going down

Florida Public Service Commission approved FPL's plan to drop rates 2.8%
and last updated

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Florida Power & Light customers got some good news today. Their power bills are going down — a little bit.

On Tuesday, the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) approved a $359 million reduction to FPL's 2023 fuel costs, which means customer power bills are going down.

The bill reduction will go into effect from July to December. FPL customers will see approximately a 2.8% reduction in their monthly bill. For example, a current customer bill of $139.95 for 1000 kilowatts used will drop to $135 per month. FPL Northwest customers will see a 2.5% reduction in their monthly bill. A previous rate reduction took place in May.

"We are committed to keeping bills as low as possible for our customers," Armando Pimentel, president and CEO of FPL, said. "With fuel prices moderating, we are pleased to pass along additional savings to our customers. We also encourage our customers to use FPL's free tools to save energy and make their bills even lower."

Utilities don't earn a profit on fuel charges and the fuel costs of customer bills are set for each calendar year. When a utility's costs increase or decrease by more than 10%, it must notify the PSC of any mid-course corrections that are needed.