

PETA buys stock in Miami Seaquarium's parent company

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MIAMI (AP) -- The animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals says it became a shareholder in Miami Seaquarium's parent company to push the park to release its captive orca into a marine sanctuary.

In a statement Monday, PETA called on Madrid-based Parques Reunidos to release Lolita and four orcas at the company's Marineland in France. Lolita has lived at Miami Seaquarium since 1970.

PETA spokesman David Perle said the group's single share is enough to participate in Parques Reunidos' annual meeting and influence management decisions.

Seaquarium officials didn't immediately respond to a request for comment. They've previously said releasing Lolita would harm the orca that's over 50 years old.

PETA also owns shares in SeaWorld and has tried to get its investors to vote on releasing the company's orcas.