

Thousands ask union to end suit against vouchers


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) -- Thousands of parents and children are rallying against a lawsuit that could end the state's largest private school voucher program.

Wearing green-yellow shirts that read "Drop the Suit," supporters of the program marched on the state Capitol on Tuesday and held an hour-long rally. Martin Luther King III and other speakers said the voucher program is needed to help low-income and minority students.

More than 78,000 students across the state receive vouchers through the state's tax credit scholarship program. The Florida Education Association is the lead group behind the lawsuit that contends the program is unconstitutional.

A judge last year threw out the lawsuit, but the FEA has appealed the ruling.

FEA President Joanne McCall said in a statement that her group has no plans to drop its lawsuit.