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Indian River County husband takes quick trip to Wawa for wife. He never made it home

Anthony Wallace hit by driver Friday night along Eighth Street
Charlotte McClain and Anthony Wallace

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, Fla. — WPTV is giving a voice to a heartbroken wife who is desperate for answers after a hit-and-run driver killed her husband.

Florida Highway Patrol troopers said the collision killed Anthony Wallace, who was riding his electric bike last Friday in Indian River County. Investigators are now asking the public's help to find the driver responsible for the deadly crash.

WATCH BELOW: Wife grieves loss of husband killed in hit-and-run

Wife grieves loss of husband killed in Indian River County hit-and-run

WPTV reporter Mello Styles spoke with Charlotte McClain, Wallace's wife, who was emotional but extremely determined to find justice.

"I'm sitting up here waiting on Tony," she said through tears.

McClain said she's hoping that someone will hear her plea and come forward.

The 58-year-old man's body was found in a ditch along Eighth Street just outside Vero Beach.

McClain said her husband had taken his electric bike to Wawa to get her wine.

But just three blocks from their home, the Florida Highway Patrol said a driver hit Wallace on Eighth Street, knocking him into a ditch, before taking off. Wallace later died at a hospital.

"He was coming home, and I was sitting up here looking," McClain said. "I was thinking, 'What is going on?'"

McClain said she recently suffered a stroke, and Wallace was her main caregiver.

"He know everything, smart, everything," McClain said." He knows how to do anything you want him to do."

A tearful Charlotte McClain describes the sudden loss of her husband.
A tearful Charlotte McClain describes the sudden loss of her husband.

She said art was one of Wallace's many talents. McClain still holds on to his paintings, including one of herself that he completed before his death.

"He did this picture of me right here," she said while showing WPTV one of his works.

His workspace in their home is where his artwork came alive. His latest piece — now unfinished — serves as a painful reminder of what was taken from her.

"Whoever hit my husband, call and tell us," McClain asked.

McClain is pleading for answers, hoping someone comes forward to bring justice for her husband of more than 30 years.

Troopers are asking any witnesses or anybody with home surveillance video in this area to give them a call.