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Martin County firefighter returns home safely from mission to Israel

Chuck Gordils, a 29-year veteran, says he's preparing to go back
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MARTIN COUNTY, Fla. — A Martin County firefighter who went to Israel to help with rescue efforts is now home safe and wants to repeat his mission.

Two weeks ago, WPTV reported on Capt. Chuck Gordils, a 29-year veteran, who felt compelled to go overseas to help with paramedic and fire/rescue operations after seeing horrific images out of Israel.

Gordils showed WPTV videos and pictures he took during his 15-day mission.

He responded to bombings and immediately got to work rescuing families from safe rooms, car fires and several times had to take cover inside shelters himself.

Despite the danger and the grueling nature of the trip, Gordils said he would do it all again in a heartbeat.

"I am so glad I got to go because it was challenging. It was a little nerve-racking. It was risky, but they welcomed us," Gordils said. "They were so grateful for us being there. They couldn't believe we flew this far to help them. They'd ask, 'Why are you here?' and I'm like, because we're human. We're all human, and we know that and we're here to help you guys."

Gordils, who also responded to ground zero during 9/11, said he plans to go back to Israel in the spring to help.

He also received an honorary T-shirt, Israeli flag and badges for helping.

Gordils said he considers the men he served with overseas his family.