

Trump supporters remain encouraged about Trump's potential despite nationwide protests



While people across the country are protesting the results of the election, there are many people celebrating Donald Trump’s win.


Many voters in Palm Beach County and the Treasure Coast are feeling hopeful and encouraged about what Trump could accomplish as president.


Supporters are asking the people who voted against Trump to give him a chance.


Nick Hardiman and Raymond Bernier, from Martin County, voted for Trump.


“I hope he brings the county together,” Hardiman said.


A former, self-proclaimed liberal, Hardiman says he switched from supporting Bernie Sanders to Trump.


“I was liberal. I liked Obama for the first four years,” but he says this year, he felt Trump would accomplish more of what he wants to see.


Both men believe Trump was the best option to improve on jobs and the economy.


“My biggest problem currently was the TPP and Hillary would have voted it in. Trump was very against it.”


Mary Ducoin, a mother and former teacher from Stuart, supported Trump.


“I think Trump has the ability to attract more jobs and I think our economy really needs that,” Ducoin said.


Ducoin says her son-in-law also immigrated to America from France.


She says he did so legally, with documentation, and believes more people should do the same. She also supports more thorough screening of anyone entering the country. That was a big driver in her support for Trump.


“I don’t see how anybody can argue with feeling safer. I think we as a nation are very welcoming to all people.”


Michael Joseph, from Fort Pierce, voted for Trump.


He is currently working to become an American citizen for Haiti, and supports Trump’s ideas. 


He is excited to see Trump potentially create more jobs.


“If people have jobs, they have no trouble”


While supporters are not against the protesting, they do hope people will remain peaceful and respect the laws and election process in place.