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One month since the start of Cuban protests

Cuban Americans continue to ask for U.S. aid
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WEST PALM BEACH, FLA. — It is now one month since the start of the Cuban protest calling for freedom on the island.

These protests are historic because Cubans are calling for an end to the dictatorship that has lasted for 62 years.

Since the start of the protests in July, Cuban Americans took to the streets in the U.S. in solidarity with people on the island. Among the largest protests in South Florida was when demonstrators made their way onto Interstate 95 in West Palm Beach, resulting in traffic coming to a standstill near Okeechobee Boulevard.

In Texas, hundreds of people marched in Houston, as well as in Washington D.C. where they called for help from the U.S. government.

President Biden continues to face pressure over the issue. Cuban Americans and some Republican politicians have called for President Biden to help Cuba in a bigger way.

Last month, Republican politicians called for the president to grant the island free access to the internet.

As videos started surfacing on the internet about what was happening on the island, the regime cut all internet access for the country. The internet is still not accessible to the public.

Republican Senator Marco Rubio announced via a Twitter post Tuesday night that the Senate passed his amendment to provide internet access to Cubans on the island.

The Cuban government continues to blame the U.S. embargo that has been in place for the last 62 years for the lack of resources on the island.