LifestyleShining A Light


20% of new colon cancer cases are diagnosed in patients under 54

Colon Cancer Screening
and last updated

ATLANTIS, Fla. — One in 24 men and 1 in 26 women will confront the reality of colon cancer.

"Twenty percent of new colon cancer cases are diagnosed in patients under 54," said Dr. Juliet Ray, a colorectal surgeon at HCA Florida JFK Hospital. "In 150,000 new cases a year, one in 24 will be diagnosed in their lifetime."

That's why she is helping raise funds to beat colon cancer.

'Don't wait' to get screened, colon cancer patient advises

HCA Florida, JFK Hospital and HiiT56 — a gym located near Boca Raton — invite everyone to join them in supporting Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month.

The Let's Kick Cancer's Butt Together event will be held March 30 from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at HiiT56.

Organizers encourage participants to dress in blue, the color associated with colon cancer.

"We're taking action with end colon cancer coast to coast, a national movement rallying passionate fundraisers like us to make a difference. Every dollar we raise supports lifesaving screenings, patient support, and groundbreaking research through the Colorectal Cancer Alliance," their website states.

Click here to register for the event.

Click here to donate.

Hiit56 is located at 9060 Kimberly Blvd.

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