PALM BEACH COUNTY, Fla. — Year-round, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Palm Beach County service around 10,000 kids. Their annual toy drive sponsored by GL Homes has been extended until Dec. 22 because they need to raise gifts for teenagers.
"Teens are forgotten mostly because a lot of times the families we serve the teens kind of grow up as the adult in the household," said Erin Nicolosco, the vice president of marketing for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Palm Beach County.
Nicolosco said often the gift from the Boys & Girls Clubs are the only one a child will receive for the holidays.
The club hopes the community will make its teenage members' lives brighter.
"Everybody wants a gift during the holiday season. They want to feel joy they want to feel the gift of the holiday season," Nicolosco said.
The group has suggestions like sports gear, electronics (headphones, Bluetooth, speakers), cologne, lotions, and makeup.
The club has a detailed Amazon wish list which you can find here,or you can drop of gifts Monday through Friday through Dec. 22 at 800 Northpoint Parkway in West Palm Beach.