LifestyleShining A Light


Brothers, 11 and 9, making a name for themselves in jazz trio The Kittens

The Kittens played some Beatles this morning on the WPTV Helipad

"Cat" is a jazz slang term for jazz musicians. These two brothers, Tiger and Leon call themselves The Kittens because they say they "are young kids."

The trio can be found playing at restaurants, like Vic and Angelo's, along Atlantic Avenue in Delray Beach with their dad Israel. At ages 11 and 9, they say they have trouble being recognized as professional musicians because of their age.

This morning, they played The Beatles during Shining A Light with T.A. Walker on the WPTV Helipad. The Kittens' next gig is at The Arts Garage, Sept. 15 at 7 p.m. Get your tickets at a

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