Get ready to experience the heart of Ukraine this Saturday, Aug. 24, as the Ukrainian Association of Florida (UA) invites you to celebrate 33 years of independence.
This morning, we got to meet a dynamic group of individuals excited to share their Ukrainian culture.
The Ukrainian Association of Florida (a 501c3) is eager to share with the public their costumes, jewelry, food, music, crafts, and art. They are hosting the Ukrainian Cultural Fest this Saturday from 5 to 9 p.m. on the Great Lawn in West Palm Beach (at the end of Clematis Street along the West Palm Beach Waterfront).
"There are around 1 million Ukrainians living in the United States, we are working to preserve our national identity for future generations, but also to contribute to the cultural diversity of South Florida," said Yuliia Dryhybka, communication officer of UA Florida.
West Palm Beach
Rally in West Palm Beach brings locals, Ukrainians together
With Ukraine's ongoing war with Russia in mind, the UA received a proclamation from the City of West Palm Beach on Monday.
"This proclamation about independence day for Ukraine, and it's very important topic for us, for local Ukrainians, and it's even more important for our Ukrainian family back in Ukraine for fighting for the independence right now," said Dmytro Bozhko, president of UA Florida.