

Ahead of season, survey shows what NFL fans like most

If you’re an NFL fan there’s research that shows what makes you tick, especially while you’re watching your favorite team.
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If you’re an NFL fan, there’s research that shows what makes you tick, especially while you’re watching your favorite team.

Nearly fifty-thousand NFL fans around the world as part of a Global Web Index survey.

I went to Dolphins super-fan Kristy Rose’s home in Stuart to size up the survey and see how her family related to the results.

Rose’s house is filled with Dolphins memorabilia.
A married mother of two, Rose said her household is described as, “Faith first, family and football.”

According to the survey, which was taken prior to the 2015 Super Bowl, 80 percent of survey respondents said family is the most important thing in their life.

This was the most important thing to surveyed fans compared to other options. Rose’s fan-hood is right in line with the research results.

56 percent of people surveyed identifying themselves as NFL fans were female.

Talking about what makes here a big NFL fan, Rose said, “I’ve grown up watching football. I was a fan growing up. We went to church in the morning. It was family day, my parents were Steelers and Browns fans, sorry about that. But I’ve lived in Florida my whole life and we’re Dolphins fans in this house anyway.”

The research also shows NFL fans spend almost two hours a day on social networks. Rose uses it to let other fans know her team is winning.

“You’re trash talking because you might beat New England all the time this past season, it’s good to flaunt that,” said Rose.

The number one interest of NFL fans in this survey was music, something Rose said lines up with her family.

“We’re avid music fans in our house. I mean, my son Logan’s a drummer. We want to know who’s singing the halftime show or how big of a party we’re having,” said Rose.

The survey also reveals the Olympics dovetail perfectly into a new NFL season.

When they’re not watching football, American NFL fans surveyed enjoy watching the Olympics more than any other professional sport.

A gold medal combo as the new season on the gridiron is here.

The survey can be viewed here.