WeatherTropical Weather


Tropical disturbances drenching Gulf Coast and Eastern Caribbean

Tropical Outlook
and last updated

Three areas in the tropics are still showing signs of possible development.

The first disturbance in the Gulf of Mexico will continue to bring unfavorable conditions and high storm chances to the Texas Gulf Coast and Louisiana.

More rain will happen throughout the week for these coastal areas since the tropical disturbance is almost stalled.

TRACKING THE TROPICS: Hurricane Center | Hurricane Guide

The second area has a medium chance of development. It is moving over the Windward Islands and is entering more conducive conditions for tropical development. We could potentially see this becoming a tropical depression in a week to 10 days.


The third system is located off the west coast of Africa and will impact the Cabo Verde Islands.

This is an area of disorganzied thunderstorms, and there is a decent amount of Saharan dust pulling off the west coast that could limit development in the near term. Looking more long term, there are favorable conditions in the Atlantic for tropical development. Don't count out this system, as it travels westward, it could likely become a tropical depression in a week or more timeframe.