NORTH PALM BEACH, Fla. — A bright red sign outside the 729 building today at Sanctuary Cove now identifies it as an unsafe structure. The status leaves a handful of families with limited options for housing.
Representatives from the area Red Cross were on scene shortly after the tornado powered through Sanctuary Cove Saturday to find emergency housing for at least six families.

Lindsey Johnson and her family said after the roof was peeled off their building they were given minutes in the dark to pack whatever they could in a duffel bag.
“We don’t have a place, we don’t have a home, we don’t have any answers, we don’t have any ideas, we don’t have anything right now," said Johnson. "It’s just whatever the next 24 hours brings and we’re hopping to another hotel tonight and we’re gonna see if we can book another one tomorrow, and just taking our bag to the next place.“

Weather News
Tornado that tore through Palm Beach Gardens had winds of at least 100 mph
Johnson said the Red Cross did grant her family some emergency funding, but she worries what will happen when it runs dry and is turning to GoFundMe.
According to Sanctuary Cove owners, structural engineers should be on site this week to inspect the battered building. If they grant emergency repair permits, owners said, displaced residents will be given a chance to retrieve some of their belongings.